About Us

The Berean Beacon ministry is primarily evangelistic, promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The ministry was founded in 1992 by former Roman Catholic priest Richard M. Bennett. The Berean Beacon places particular emphasis on the evangelization and conversion of Roman Catholics. The other main thrust of the ministry is to inform evangelical Christians about Catholicism through the materials that we provide on the internet. The ministry is led by a board of directors, Pastor William Mencarrow, Greg Bentley, and Stuart Quint. All of our directors are former Roman Catholics saved by Faith alone.

The work of the ministry is completed by dedicated volunteer helpers who trust in the Lord by faith, and we look to Him to supply our needs in these difficult days. Each donation is acknowledged and gratefully appreciated. The Berean Beacon is a biblical and educational organization whose sole purpose is the promotion of biblical Christianity.
Just before Richard Bennett went home to glory he recorded his last video. In the video Richard gives a brief history of the ministry and introduces Greg Bentley as the new director of the Berean Beacon.

Tribute to Michael de Semlyen
Read about our tribute to the graduation of author Michael de Semlyen. He was a Briton who loved the Lord and devoted his life to proclaiming the truth of the forgotten Reformation in his country.